Od kolegů a klientů

Oceňuji osobní i moderní - elektronickou výuku AJ, příjemné osobní jednání a velkou erudici Karolíny D. Tato práce dává smysl.
Vladimir Vojta
As a client of Karolina, I love her style of accompanying me on my way to excellent English 🙂 I made a big improvement within the last year, being fully motivated by the quick results, we've reached together. I highly recommend Karolinas' services to all of you who like working effectively (meaning face-to-face language course). Thank you, Karolina!!
Andrea Forberger
Karolina je skvělá učitelka. Lekce jsou perfektně nachystané, systematické, hravé, přitom metodicky propracované. Kája se vždy vrací k opakování nové látky. Je to výborná metoda pro zafixování dané látky. Získala jsem jistotu a našla odvahu vycestovat na delší jazykový pobyt.
Jana Zámečníková
Karolina taught a variety of products at our school, Business English, Professional English as well as preparation courses for Cambridge Exams, various conversation lessons and grammar specials. All her lessons were delivered with high quality, attention to detail, planned fulfilling the objectives and she always received top feedback both from the students and the team leaders. Furthermore, she led a number of seminars for other teachers and was solely in charge of corporate methodology, communication with corporate clients, regarding their curricuum, progress and various requests. Cooperation with Kaja was flawless. First and foremost I really appreciate her diligence and calm attitude even in the most stressful situatons. She is very attentive and has the student's best interests at heart..
Michaela Hronová